Jesus Can Make The Difference

A Place For You
Whether you are a new Christian or have been serving the Lord for years, there is a place for you at Heritage Baptist Church!

We are a new and growing church in Waterville, Maine with a bright future. From our opening day in June 2023, we have been striving to teach what the Bible says on the matters of life. Whether it is a current event or a practical way of living, we work overtime to help everyone have a firm understanding of what the Bible has to say.
What Makes Us Different

Fundamental Bible Preaching
Our services offer preaching that is based entirely on God’s Word and helps to edify and encourage the listener. We strive to preach even the most complicated truths simply so that everyone has an opportunity to learn.

Traditional Hymns & Spiritual Songs
We sing hymns that have been used of God to help people for generations. We love praising the Lord through lifting our voice in song!

Teaching the Word of God to everyone.
Our young church is the perfect place to learn stories, doctrines, and principles from the Word of God. Whether you have had the chance to learn Biblical truths or not, we would love to have you join us for a service!
Service Highlights
While every service is a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with believers and grow in grace, here are some highlights of each service.
Exciting Song Service
Each service is filled with songs that are sure to fill your heart with joy, leave a smile on your face, and, just maybe, a song in your mind.
Preaching That You Can Apply
Our preaching services are sure to leave you with a truth from the Bible that you will be able to apply to your life later that very day.
Question And Answer Sessions
Have you ever had a question about the Bible? On Sunday evenings, our pastor gives everyone a chance to ask those questions.
Emphasis On Learning God’s Word
On Wednesday evenings, we have the opportunity to show how much we have learned that week. Whether it is quoting a memory verse from the week before or competing against yourself to complete the Bible quiz, we love learning God’s Word.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When Do You Meet?
We meet for three different services a week.
Sunday AM – 11:00 AM
Sunday PM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday – 6:00 PM
Where Are You Located?
Our address is
9A Water St.
Waterville, ME 04901
If you are familiar with the area, we are located directly across the street from the old Hathaway Mill and in the same building as Aqua City Scuba.
Do I Have To Dress Up?
No. You do not have to dress up. We would encourage you to come just the way you are. Some people will dress up, but it is not a requirement to attend the service.
Considering A Visit?
Times Of Service
Sunday AM - 11:00
Sunday PM - 6:00
Wednesday PM - 6:00