In order to have a true understanding of what salvation is, we must first recognize why there is a need for salvation.

Salvation would not be needed if perfection was attainable. Unfortunately, perfection can not be obtained by man at any stage of life. The Bible makes that clear in several different passages.

Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

Isaiah 64:6
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags…”

Psalms 51:1
“Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.”

No one can be perfect. It is no longer possible. When Adam sinned in the Garden he plunged not only himself, but also the rest of his descendants into a sinful nature. Every person that was born from Adam’s bloodline would never even have a chance at perfection because they would all be born sinners. Adam’s sin caused problems for both man and God that could never be reversed. God created man for fellowship. It was God’s intention to be able to walk with man since the dawn of Creation, but God is also holy, righteous, just, and perfect (Leviticus 11:44-45; Daniel 9:14; II Samuel 23:3; II Samuel 22:31). God can not fellowship with sin, wickedness, or transgression.

II Corinthians 6:14
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

This verse is talking specifically to believers and members of the church, but does it not apply to God as well? This causes a major problem that can not be resolved simply. When Adam sinned in the Garden, that sin was not as “simple” as what we would call disobedience. Adam’s sin forced God to choose between maintaining his holiness, justice, and perfection, and his fellowship with mankind. As much as I’m sure God wanted to overlook man’s sin, He recognized that He could not do that.

The only way man’s sin could be atoned for is if that sin was covered or washed away. If man’s sin was somehow removed from his record, God could once again fellowship with man. That is the only way God could ever have a relationship with man again. In order to make that happen, the price would have to be paid with the blood of the innocent. That is where Jesus Christ comes in. He is the only One that could ever have had the ability to pay for man’s sin. Jesus is God incarnate, or God in the flesh and can not sin. And so, the plan was made for the price to be paid. The innocent would have to die for the guilty.

With the price for sin paid, or at least planned to be paid, God could have fellowship with man as soon as man accepted that payment for sin. In the Old Testament, the Israelite nation offered the sacrifice of a spotless lamb as a picture of the perfect Lamb that would be slain on Calvary. It solidified to them their belief that Jesus Christ would one day die for their sins. It cost them a lamb, but it cost Jesus His life.

That is what salvation means. We can enjoy the glory that comes with salvation because Jesus paid the ultimate price to take cover our sins. That is love beyond what anyone could imagine.

If you have never trusted Christ as your Saviour, all you have to do is:

  1. Recognize you are a sinner.
  2. Realize you can not get to Heaven on your own.
  3. Ask Jesus to save you from the price of your sins.

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